It’s time for something new

After 14 years we’re hanging up our keyboards. Our team is joining the lovely people at Culture Amp, where we’ll be helping build a better world of work.


Icelab in 2015

By Jess Allison01 Feb 2016

2015 will go down in history as the year the US legalised gay marriage. When NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft arrived at Pluto. China built an island. The Force Awakened. And the world finally got real on climate change.

But enough of these trivialities. At Icelab we had some exciting news of our own:

Designer Jasmin Wong finally gave us representation in Sydney.

Developer Daniel Nitsikopoulos joined the Canberra team.

We upped our beard game hiring Dylan Wolff, who is now desk-hopping around the world.

And Michael Troy came aboard, working from sunny Newcastle before decamping to Chiang Mai.

We delivered multiple touchscreen interactives for the Royal Australian Mint’s award-winning factory floor redevelopment.

Mint interactive

Designed and built the new digital home of The Wheeler Centre.

The Wheeler Centre home page

Created an explorable archive, two iPad displays, and a fascinating interactive about Hans Overbeck’s ant collection, for the National Museum of Australia’s exhibition, The Home Front: Australia during the First World War.

Remembering home page

Brought the Magna Carta online and built a touchscreen interactive.

Magna Carta

Launched a digital radio station for kids.

Kinderling home page

Designed and built a new site for Books Kinokuniya.

Kinokuniya home page

The Icelab team spent some quality time together in the Victorian countryside.


Max Wheeler launched a baby named Felix, now one of the cutest things on the internet.

We helped the Australian Public Service Commission with their State of the Service report.

Launched sites for Canberra Museum + Gallery and ACT Historic Places.

Canberra Museum and Gallery home page
ACT Historic Places home page

Revamped Behind the Lines for its 2015 edition.

Behind The Lines 2015 home page

We continued development on the APVI Solar mapping project, building a tool to chart and compare PV performance across Australia.

Ran Railscamp in Canberra, and crafted a little site to promote the event.

Railscamp home page

Helped the University of Melbourne launch their Pursuit platform.

Pursuit home page

And continued to improve the Ticketscout platform and ticket scanning application.

Phew. What a year! And yet it doesn’t seem like 12 months since the last roundup. We must be getting old… but more on that in February.


Team Icelab

Signing off for 2015